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Google Chrome & SSL, what does this mean for websites?

A lot of you may have begun to notice the “Not Secure” badge appear on your Google Chrome browser when visiting certain websites, this is a big deal and here’s why.

With the rising number of ‘scam’ websites, the reputation of legitimate sites are being significantly hurt. FCD have found that users are more likely to leave a website earlier if the SSL green browser padlock isn’t implemented – and if you own any online store, you MUST have this secure connection.

What is SSL?
SSL encrypts the data transfer between the web server and the visitor – this link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. It is critical for protecting sensitive information such as a credit card info and passwords, but it also protects your site from attackers adding advertisements to your website. A potential attacker will just see a jumbled mess of letters if they manage to get in.

Why now?
Google wants to flush out all ‘vulnerable and dangerous’ websites by favouring SSL secure websites. Growing numbers of mobile devices and increased internet speeds mean securing the flow of data is vital to ensure your personal information isn’t stolen when you shop online, transfer data or sign-up to promotional newsletters.

How will it help me?
Securing your website will increase customer trust and provide a safe environment for your visitors to browse. It prevents personal information like passwords and credit card number from being stolen. To put it simply, the extra “s” (https://) means your website is secure and encrypted. The security of your website and accounts are just as important as having SSL security compliance.

What will happen if I stay “not secure”?
Google will begin to slowly rank secure websites higher than non-secure, initially with a warning message in their web browser ‘Chrome’. But with the mobile first update Google have introduced, your website could start to rank lower if it isn’t secure or mobile friendly.

FCD are now able to provide SSL security on all the new websites we host, as standard – for FREE, no extra cost! Plus, all our websites are bespoke with a priority on mobile performance to ensure you and your visitors have the best experience possible.

Fancy a chat about your current website? Give our Web + Media Designer Matt, a call or email: [email protected]
