Update your Website’s Navigation – Here’s Why
Update your navigation periodically so visitors can find your new pages.
Paul had previously worked at FCD before joining a local authority studio, however knowing this wasn’t for him and that it restricted the creative ability you have working within the agency environment decided his time had come to leave and face a new challenge. What Paul didn’t count on was his work colleagues Mark and Nick wanting to be part of this new adventure.
All sat one afternoon in a Rotherham boozer, terrible December weather sipping on our first pint of watered down, over carbonated lager the conversation turned to starting a design and marketing agency. Four pints later it sounded like a great idea and six pints we’re definitely up for this, nothing can stop us now. We have more than enough experience between us and the drive to make this a success and so the rebirth of First Class Design Ltd happened.
The support from family, friends and past work colleagues has been amazing, there have been many up’s and down’s along the way. There’s been many late nights and over worked weekends, as a team we have experienced success, failure, laughter and total exhaustion. We’ve grown both personally and professionally, at many points it’s been extremely stressful and demanding, but I can honestly say we would do it all again. We’ve met so many great people along the way, worked on some brilliant projects, learnt from our mistakes and produced some really great work, well, we’d like to think so! Many of the clients we worked with way back in 2010 are still clients of ours to this very day and we thank them for their loyalty.
We’ve changed quite a bit over the past 10 years. Apart from us all looking slightly more jaded, there’s been new logo’s and branding, staff changes and multiple office moves, to highlight just a few. Our permanent studio space is now on South Parade, Doncaster and feel this is the best place for us to grow and develop along side our great clients. The renovating work is nearing completion and this allows us to take the next step in our journey. Time to refocused on building better marketing and creative brand strategies to help businesses of all sizes achieve their goals.
We’re a small busy creative team and because of the design deadline requirements of day-to-day life at FCD don’t often stop to think and reflect. But during the next 12 months we plan on rolling out some exciting new changes, hopefully some surprises and a small tea party to celebrate the past 10 years. New projects are always piling up and we can’t wait to share them with you over the coming year, as we look forward to building more relationships with clients.
From all the team at FCD, we’d just like to thank everyone for their help and support. A big thank you to our wonderful clients who allow us to get creative with their brands, websites and marketing. Massive shout out to our suppliers for the amazing work they produce. A very big thank you to the people we work in partnership with and last, but definitely not least our friends and family for all of the support you have shown us.
Invites will be sent out shortly, so watch this space. There will be cake for everyone, party bags at the ready, and who doesn’t love birthday cake… We’d not want anybody to miss a slice of the chocolate sponge action. Here’s to another 10 creative years together.