2024 Update 1
- Fixed a few mobile heading styles (changed from PX to EM values).
- Fixed spacing issue on mobile for article headers.
- Removed the need for <a> on FCD’s footer credit.
- Fixed overflow issue for images / block separators on blog posts.
- Fixed a typo on our 404.
- Added a subtle shadow to all featured images on blog posts.
- Added a hover colour to all <a> links on blog posts.
- Added a loader behind the FCD sofa photo in case of slow connections.
- Reduced the size of <h2> and <blockquote> on blog posts.
- Fixed the map from displaying a blank notice. It should now tell the viewer to enable cookies.
- Replaced our brand font to Fixel Text and Fixel Display.
- CSS style tweaks.
- Fixed the excerpt on recent posts section for blog articles.
- Added a limit for the recent posts section for blog articles.
- Removed “updated” text before the post date.
- Various style tweaks for better visual display.
v4.0.0 – Wizardry Rebuild
We often say websites should be refreshed every 3 years at most and that’s why over the past 3-months, we’ve completely rebuilt the FCD website.
Same design with a few tweaks and a lot of simplified features (and some new ones)
- New framework for a more robust layout across all devices.
- New page template design.
- New blog post page design.
- New social share buttons on pages.
- New read timer so you know how long to give our articles.
- Revised home page layout including new design styles.
- Removed some page animations for a snappier feel (and to make the site more accessible).
- Removed Twitter and added X (formly Twitter).
There are many more updates planned – like introducing an entirely new blog section, focusing on guides and resources our clients would benefit from rather than just news from #teamFCD.
2020 Update 2
- Fixed a colour issue on the left navigation bar.
Introducing the FCD WebStore, a catalogue of useful business products to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- NEW storefront page to showcase all of our products and promote the availability of bespoke design.
- NEW product page for more details on all.
- NEW basket functionality for online ordering (disabled).
- NEW checkout functionality for online ordering (disabled).
- Various bug fixes and style tweaks throughout.
2020 Update 1
- Fixed an issue where the privacy policy link in the footer wasn’t clickable.
- Fixed and issue where information wouldn’t line up correctly on ‘Project‘ posts for mobile devices.
- Bullet point sizes have been reduced.
- Fixed an issue where CSS wasn’t correctly displaying for ‘Project‘ posts on mobile devices.
- General CSS refinements across the site.
Initial launch of the refreshed website adding subtle changes along with a complete clean of all our code.
- NEW Introduction picture on the home page.
- NEW Testimonial slider design on the home page.
- NEW CMS managed post areas, allowing us to update posts on the home page easily – the page is now slightly dynamic.
- NEW navigation menu throughout the site, with a elegant open / close animation.
- NEW page footer design throughout the site.
- ADDED a page title and description to our ‘Projects‘ page.
- ADDED support for a filtering option for projects to allow visitors to see similar projects.
- ADDED an alternative hero layout for ‘Project‘ posts.
- NEW blog post page layout to feature previous and next articles. The page also features a re-designed author box, a new category list, and related articles.
- ADDED support for CMS gallery on ‘Contact’ and ‘About’ pages, along with ‘Project‘ and ‘Blog’ posts.
- Fixed multiple CSS issues on our Black Friday offers page.
- Added more custom elements to the offers.
- Fixed an issue with the archive.
- Added the custom section in place ready for friday. This is a backend update to enable #FCDBlackFriday
- Fixed page load on #FCDBlackFriday so the animation doesn’t hang.
- Introduced the #FCDBlackFriday theme
- NEW Black Friday page and function
- Reverted the website style back to the original, keeping all the changes made in the Halloween 2019 update:
- NEW about us page, featuring our group photo.
- NEW contact form on our contact us page.
Halloween 2019 Update
- Fixed incorrect images.
- Removed the front end editor.
- UPDATED heading font.
- UPDATED logo.
- UPDATED colour scheme.
- UPDATED graphics.
- UPDATED images.
- ADDED cobwebs.
- NEW about us page, featuring our group photo.
- NEW contact form on our contact us page.
- Removed the ‘new’ badges on home page posts, and ‘Featured Project’ on the footer on all projects – we believe this can date our content.
- Added a new testimonial and fixed the back-end CMS for projects (not noticeable for front-end visitors).
- ‘Dark Mode’ is no longer in BETA 🙂
- We’ve refined the rollover speed across the site, and subtly changed the shadows.
- We’ve added new images on our menu, about, and contact pages.
- Introduced a sub-title under the plain text posts on the home page grid so visitors know what type of post it is.
- Tweaked animation times once more.
- Few image optimisations made to the home page.
- Swapped the styling for H3 and H2, as well as slightly revised them.
- Added more spacing on the author ‘sign off’ link.
- Across the board SEO tweaks and ‘under the hood’ refinements.
- Mobile menu items are now bigger.
- Fixed styling related bugs for ‘Dark Reader’ mode (BETA).
- Better ‘Dark Reader’ button – look for the moon on blog posts.
- Moved the author link on the blog post template down towards the footer of the page to ‘sign off’ the post.
- Tweaked the link click delay to match the animation better.
- The home page load animation is now snappier.
- Added the page out transition on the home page.
- Added a new image spot on ‘Contact‘ and ‘About‘ pages.
- Fixed a link style issue where the colour was incorrect.
- Tweaked the link styling for ‘Dark Reader’ mode (BETA).
- Slight refinement on the blog post rollover state.
- NEW notification template on the home page (not visible by default).
- NEW ‘Dark Reader’ mode for all blog posts (BETA).
- Refined blog style with new shadowed boxes and a more readable interface.
- Cleaned database to fix the current missing text elements not correctly saving.
- Fixed an issue where the third ‘process’ text wouldn’t appear on ‘Geoquip Cyber Security video‘ project.
- Fixed the social media icons that had broken links.
- Tweaked the trigger of the menu button to prevent link redirects.
- Fixed the ‘main category’ link on blog posts, and a styling tweak for all links throughout the website.
- Routine performance tweaks.
- Fixed to duplicate tag text on blog posts.
- Removed the custom cursor on mobile / touch devices.
- Added a custom circular mouse cursor.
- Added a hashtag on tags to illustrate our social media tags.
- Fixed a glitch on the service page where things weren’t scaling down properly.
- Removed the ‘our focus’ badge on all the services. This wasn’t required.
- Fixed a link issue on the ‘main category’ links.
- Fixed an issue with the gallery not showing correctly on all posts featuring an image gallery.
- Fixed the logo slider issue with a logo displaying over the top.
- Fixed the bullet point styling.
- Fixed a search engine crawl error.
- Added the ability to include a thumbnail and a featured image that are independent of one another on our blog.
The new FCD Website
v2.0.0 – the initial release
We have been busy upgrading our website for a brand new experience. Take a look through and let us know what you think.
Whilst we loved our previous version, it had its limitations. And we recently upgraded our whole website design tools, featuring a brand new platform and web editor. So, we rebuilt everything from the ground up and even added new sections like our services page.
Everything has been carefully pieced together to extend an already good website, with refinements and updates performed along the way. Start from our home page and see for yourself, or check out some of our new projects.
- Added scroll location bar to the top of the browser.
- Fixed a layout bug on the home page footer for mobile devices.
- New blog system for related posts – Work in Progress.
- Highly refined CSS style sheets for blog posts.
- Added Author avatar and name on blog posts.
- Added snow version of the FCD logo and falling snow site-wide, Merry Christmas!
- NEW home page header and animation, Christmas themed 🙂
- NEW home page about text.
- NEW fancier button rollovers.
- NEW page location bar at the top of each page, as users scroll, they are shown how far down the page they are.
- NEW call-to-action on the footer of the home page.
- UPDATED ‘what’s happening’ and ‘featured’ sections of the home page.
- In-lined share buttons to prevent them being missing from future posts.
- Contact page has fewer breakpoints
- Removed all CSS animation scripts on home for added stability and performance.
- Reduced the file size of the FCD logo on all pages by 96% for much faster load times.
- NEW link structure with parent pages, for example /work/project-page and /blog/post-page
- Refined mobile post list layout; reduced shadow, font size, image size, and margins for a slightly cleaner look.
- Fixed vertical height issue on ‘Blog‘ (may be temporary).
- Fixed a server caching issue.
- Fixed an issue where some external links are redirecting to non-existing HTTPS versions and displaying a security warning.
- Fixed the spacing between categories and post title on mobile devices for post pages.
- Fixed a layout glitch for ‘Blog‘ where the wider the browser, the more unreadable the page became.
- Heavy back-end refinements and adjustments for better site performance.
- Fixed a Google Maps height issue for mobile devices and resolved an API issue where the map would become blank.
- Fixed an issue on ‘About‘ where a white box would appear on the top of the page.
- Fixed an issue on ‘Contact‘ where text ran under the imagery on certain browser widths.
- Fixed an issue where the mobile menu was visible on larger desktop displays for all ‘Work’ pages.
- Fixed a jQuery issue causing mobile menus to display incorrectly.
- Fixed a major SSL security issue caused by a incorrect certificate install.
- Fixed a scrolling error on all pages where the page ‘jumps’ up if the menu is open and the user scrolls.
- Fixed a Google Maps issue causing the map to display blank.
- New mobile menu design.
- Removed scroll effects on ‘Work‘ pages to improve performance.
- Fixed a missing video link on ‘Video‘.
- Fixed some of the links on the blog which were redirecting to HTTP instead of HTTPS.
- Added the privacy policy for easy access.
- Added a cookie notifier.
- Added SSL security.
- Added a shortcut to the privacy policy on the following pages: home, about, contact, blog list, blog posts.
- NEW blog list style:
- rounded corners.
- edited button style to match the rest of the site.
- tweaked mobile layout – thumbnail images were too tall.
- increased shadow for more depth.
- increased spacing between list and pagination.
- Fixed a text link style where it wasn’t clear a piece could be clicked.
- Added an extra clickable layer to featured projects footer on Work pages.
- New pagination style for ‘Blog‘ to be more intuitive to use.
- Slight style change of blog posts for mobile devices.
- Fixed FCD logo link where some users would be redirected to a blank page.
- Fixed featured image aspect ratio on a blog post page.
- Fixed a social sharing issue on a blog post, ‘Doncaster Mansion House Exhibition Displays‘.
- Increased security.
- Added cached pages for much faster load times.
- Fixed 2 missing links on home page.
- Fixed a bug on ‘Geoquip Cyber Security Video‘ where images were displaying incorrectly on mobile.
- Fixed a rollover glitch found on feature project footer on ‘Charles Hatchett Awards 2016‘.
- Fixed a render glitch on the header video.
- Added the logo redirect to home page link.
- Added FCD blog profile.
- Initial Launch of the re-branded site.
- The previous build of FCD, now stored in the archives.