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We are here for you

These are extraordinary times. We all have the ability to adapt in business throughout these difficult and challenging times!

Running your own business has always been a challenge and over the years we’ve had to adapt many times, if that be competition, trends, financial difficulties, digital movements or even global melt downs. Coping and reacting with the unexpected is all part of running your own business and dealing with the cornovirus challenges isn’t any different. 

Working towards normality

These are strange times, however instead of sitting at home watching re-runs of this and that, we’re going to keep our minds active by looking in to updating ourselves with the changes in our industry and preparing our business so that we hit the ground running when normallity is back. If you intend to do the same then we’re here for you, working and supporting you through the crisis. 

A few things you could look at:

  • Is your marketing up to scratch
  • Do you need a brand refresh
  • Are there updates you need on your website
  • Do you need to create more social content such as marketing QuickVid’s.

Social media – the remedy to Covid-19

The world of social media will be red hot during the outbreak. Blogs will be read, podcasts listened to, new hobbies learnt, purchasing will go stratospheric and videos will be watched. This is where FCD can help, yes you might be self-isolating but this doesn’t mean your business has to STOP!

Use this valuable time to create a new on-line marketing strategy, if times are to change for the foreseeable future then your business should definitely react and change with it. If orders can be placed online, via chat or over the phone why not tell customers you’re open for business as usual. Generate more content for your website or social audiences, helpful tips, how to videos or downloads are great ways to keep engagement current. This will give customer reassurance that your brand is strong and will deliver on promises when needed.

If you have the urge to challenge this virus head on, why not book a video call with our team and let’s keep business moving.

From all the team at FCD, stay safe and we hope to see you soon. #CoronaWho
