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We are proud to be DHYP’s Charity Partner 2019

FCD are proud to announce that we will be the Charity Partner 2019 for DHYP.

DHYP are a Doncaster based charity who help and support young adults between the ages of 16 and 25 who are vulnerable to homelessness. Having met the team and the young adults, and been impressed by what we saw, we just had to support their fantastic work. During 2018 Crozier Jones, this years Charity Partner, have done an excellent job in raising funds and we will be hoping to make 2019 as big a success.

2018 has already been a amazing year for DHYP as they have been shortlisted for the prestigious 24housing Care & Support Provider of the Year award.

Last Friday we attended the DHYP annual meeting where we were announced as the 2019 Fund Raiser in front of guests which included The Rt Hon. Dame Rosie Winterton MP, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons.

We’re looking forward to 2019 fund raising and are already coming up with little events to push that total.
